We give special thanks to our sponsors: the UT Provost Office, the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, UT’s Office of Research and Engagement, UT’s Institute of Agriculture, the Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research, the City of Knoxville, and East Tennessee Quality Growth.
Knoxville’s second green economy forum, held October 2015 and well-attended by nearly 100 local green economy representatives, sought to build on the momentum of the first by moving from identifying bridges and barriers to developing an action plan. As a precursor to this forum, UTGI conducted 57 interviews and 24 focus group discussions with local green economy leaders with the intent of elaborating on the findings of the first forum. The results of this research were presented at the second forum. For a sectoral summary of this research, see the following documents:
Education/Workforce Development
Social and Economic Development